How to register
Registration is free and open to everyone. While even unregistered viewers may read our board, only registered members can post here.
Please Note: If you already have an account here but cannot login we can help - there is no need to reregister. Just click on the contact Link at the bottom of the page and ask for help. You will get an e-mailed response in the next few hours.
To register:
1. Open your open your internet browser and go to this link: alternatively you can open the forums home page and click on the "register" link.
2. Fill out your birth date and click proceed. You must be older than 13 to register.
3. Check the "I agree to the rules" button (if you agree)
4. Click the "register" button
5. A form will appear and you will need to fill out the info requested. Be sure that your e-mail address is filled out correctly. We do not sell or share your information.
6. After you have filled in required info. Click on "complete registration" at the bottom of page. If you have not filled out all info - you will be prompted go enter the requested info.
7. You will get an email asking you to verify your email address. Please make sure that any SPAM filters you have enabled do not prevent email from our site from coming through.
This completes the registration process.