I just talked with another couple that have a Volvo/DRV combo. As you know next June (June 10-15 2013) is the DRV rally at the factory (Goshen In). I was just thinking...there are a number of couples that have the HDT/DVR combo. So how about we try to encourage more like us to come to the rally and have a group of HDT's at the DRV rally. If you see or know any others might talk it up.
Some times it takes a year to put the calendar in order so it is not too early to start encouraging your DVR/HDT friends to put this rally on the calendar. This could be a lot of fun.
Some times it takes a year to put the calendar in order so it is not too early to start encouraging your DVR/HDT friends to put this rally on the calendar. This could be a lot of fun.