New to forum/new to DRV/ have problem with clearance
Hi, I have recently purchased a 2010 Mobile Suites, 36'. Towing with a 2012 GMC dually. I have trail air center point suspension and trail air pin box. My reese hitch is at the next to lowest position. 6 inch clearance to bedrail, but I still dinged my bed rail with the back of kingpin turning left with the right wheel low...won't put my self in that position again... BUT I am towing about 3 inches nose high. Pin box seems to be extended as low as possible. There is one more hole in shackle to raise one inch. I can raise hitch 3 inches but then would really be nose high. Prefer not to lower truck, requires specialty shop and not sure what effect that could have on warranty. Moryde IS will raise trailer. but was wanting to put that off a couple years. Changing beds is option, but I am about tapped on startup costs (too tight says Lori). Any other suggestions? ONE more?... if lowering the springs to bottom shackle hole, do I need to also lower the center point to the next lower hole also? THANKS