Beachgirl said:
So what are the down sides to a TrailerSaver hitch, other than price!
And thank you for the info on bedliners- we had no idea.
We finalized our MS order today- now just need a truck, and a hitch!
Dh is reading all your posts with interest...but hasn't gotten the time to research some more...thus the silence in the face of such excellent replies...
Congrats on the order! Exciting times!!
If there are downsides to the TS hitch I guess it would be the wt and the space it takes in the truck (pickup) If the bed space is not an issue or you have no real plans to use the truck for hauling or work then no reason to remove the hitch too often.
There is no comparison of a non-airide hitch to an airide one in application. You won't be sorry you went with one. I didn't and now I have to eventually do it all over again and buy one. Where if I had listened more, and done my research I would have skipped the 2 hitches I have gone through (a Reese 22K, which wore flat out!) and the rigid TS I have now. When I bought the Rigid TS I got the benefit of the Binkly head but no airide. I should have spent the extra $2K and had the airide.
I had a Pickup at the time and didn't think I needed the airide. Now that I have the HDT I need it. So you never know what you may end up with. My DW is always telling me not to buy stuff twice. I don't always listen...ha
Like a few others have said, do your research on your future TV. It is every bit as important if not more than your trailer choice. A lot of folks will tell you don't worry about using marginal or under sized truck. I can tell you from my own experience, it will cost you $ in the end to go through the steps of up sizing the truck later, and you will!! Just ask most of those driving a F450, 550, MDT or HDT. Most started with a pickup of some type until the trailers outgrew the trucks and they for one reason or another moved up.
If I was going to start today and for whatever reason did not want to go with an MDT or HDT, the only choice IMHO for me would be the F450. I'm a Chevy fan but they just don't compare unless they have done a huge re-build this year to match the frame, brakes, capacities of the Ford. Instead of just raising the specs to compete. Again, IMHO.
We have no intention of returning to a Pick up. We love the HDT and what it offers us. For sure its not for everyone. Thats why there are a zillion other choices!
Unlike a lot of us that already had a pickup when they upgraded or bought a heavy trailer, you don't, so you're starting off fresh!
Shop wise and have fun too!